Featured Product: Etaker F1000 Alternator Battery Charger and S200 Solar Panel

In looking for a few items to help keep my truck camper power station battery charged up for road trips and daily use I came across a pair of products by ETaker that would fit my needs.

We’ll be featuring their Etaker F1000 Alternator Battery Charger and the S200 Portable Solar Panel in the coming weeks. In the meantime they sent me some promo codes to pass down to you guys if you’re interested in ordering their products asap. Links below…

ETaker Product Links:

Etaker F1000 demonstration and review

I’m particularly excited about the Etaker F1000 alternator charger for energizing my power station that runs the fridge, fan, and devices in my OVRLND truck camper. It connects to the vehicle battery and only accepts power when the unit senses the vehicle vibration (running and driving) and the voltage is high enough. So when there’s no vehicle movement, it will not pull power from the alternator. Under that circumstance it will allow energy from my solar panels to pass through to my power station and keep things running. Fantastic!

Etaker S200 demonstration and review

The Etaker S200 Portable Solar Panel is compact, lightweight, and capable of pulling in 200 watts of energy from the sun. This will be ideal for hanging out at camp with the truck parked in the shade. I can run place the S200 solar panel in the sun and run the cable into my camper. Looking forward to running some tests on this!

Etaker S200 Portable Solar Panel – 200 watts

Keep your eyes peeled on this page and we’ll be adding articles, videos, and photos as our testing progresses. Thanks for visiting!

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