I recently introduced friends and cousins to camping and they often ask me: What’s the best tent for camping?
Product Link: Best Price at Amazon
Well, you can spend $500-600 dollars and get a big overpriced tent and you have to fumble with poles. You can get a $50-200 dollar tent that’s smaller, but also requires you to fumble around with tension poles that will aggravate you to death. Or…
I always end up recommending the Gazelle T3X hub tent for 2-3 people or the Gazelle T4 hub tent for 3-4 people. For my family of 4 we have the Gazelle T4 Hub Tent (see my review here) and it’s been great. Both of these tents are typically between $250 to $430 dollars depending on which version you get.
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Gazelle Hub Tent Best Prices
Gazelle T4 Price
Gazelle T4 Overland Edition Price
Gazelle T3X Price
Why is the Gazelle Hub Tent the best tent for camping?
The reason this tent is so awesome: Setup takes less than two minutes. No poles to connect. The floor can be swept out. Zippers are heavy duty. It’s just a great design all-around. For more of my thoughts on this, check out my Gazelle Hub Tent Review.
The Overland version of the Gazelle Tent gets you stronger stakes and a better duffle bag to hold the tent that is water resistant and oversized. I wish the overland version was available when I bought my Gazelle tent a few years back. The “X” edition of T3 has a larger footprint than the regular T3 and is 7″ taller.
The author over at Girl Camper has a great writeup about her experience with the Gazelle T3 Hub Tent if you want to get another camper’s perspective.
Gazelle T4 Hub Tent: Best Price at Amazon
Save yourself a lot of testing and timing trying to find the perfect tent and just give the Gazelle Hub Tents a solid shot. You’ll be impressed with how easy this tent is to setup.
View all the Gazelle Hub Tent options at Amazon.
3 thoughts on “Is the Gazelle Hub Tent the best tent for camping?”